The Home Collection


I want to introduce to you the Home Collection. These are watercolour paintings of one of my favourite places…my lake. We live near the shores of Georgian Bay, and love to spend time at the beach. We have shared some of our favourite moments with dear friends at this beach, grew our family along these waters, and soaked in the sunsets that feel like they can’t be beaten. We have also endured heartache, loss, shed tears and felt the wind and rain beat against these shores. But I am all here for it because these are the elements that build a person.

till we shine like the sun - 12” x 16”

till we shine like the sun - 12” x 16”

light of heaven - 6” x 12”

light of heaven - 6” x 12”

Some of my favourite memories are riding bikes to this lake with friends. My husband and I were newlyweds, and we had inherited a few bikes from our families. Our friends from out of town would come to visit, and we would pack up all our gear, load up the bike trailer and baskets, and ride to the beach on bikes and skateboards like a little gang. We would bring meals to share, games to play, not enough sunscreen and spend the whole day there, often returning in the dark. You had to stay for the sunsets.

I know heaven waits for me - 8” x 8”

I know heaven waits for me - 8” x 8”

where your feet rest on the sunrise (cropped)- 8” x 8”

where your feet rest on the sunrise (cropped)- 8” x 8”

Now, some of these friends have moved to also live along this lake. That’s the draw of Home. We found a place to build our home, and the lake granted us a magnetic force that drew those we loved the most to it as well. We see fewer sunsets these days, as babies have us keeping an earlier bedtime schedule, but try to capture at least a couple a summer together. But we still pack up for a big visit to the beach, meeting up there on our bikes instead of travelling altogether. We still share meals, carefully trying to keep little sandy fingers out of the chip bags, have traded in our games for shovels and buckets, but still have kept the love of being together at the lake. 

This collection is based upon that lake. Part of Lake Huron, Georgian Bay is home to the longest freshwater beach in the world, and that’s where we call home, for now. It’s my safe place, a comfort, and a view that always feels like a welcoming hug. That is what home feels like to me. It is challenging, supportive, encouraging and loving. 

You're my heaven where my heart is (cropped) - 8” x 8”

You're my heaven where my heart is (cropped) - 8” x 8”

The skies and waters of the Bay remind me of all of these feelings, and now I share them with you. I hope you feel the comfort, the knowing, the embrace of these waters and clouds.

Reva MadrygaComment