June Letter from the Studio


Hi from the start of summer… I can't believe we are already here! The spring came and went like a rushing wind, without enough rain for the garden's here in the beach. I hope that any greenery around you has gotten it's feet wet, and is growing in abundance. I decided to introduce a little more water into my life over the last month, both in trying to drink more (do it! It's great!) as well as dig out my watercolour paints. The paints that I had felt burnt out on over the last few years. The paints that I loved so dearly and painted hundreds of flowers with. The paints that I had tucked away in search of new mediums to play and challenge myself with. But, it seems they have happily returned.


I was talking to my friend Joy, from Project Joy Studio, about trying to find time in these warmer days to paint. I am finding myself outside more, enjoying the sun and warm weather, and more park and beach adventures with my family. Studio time was definitely being put o the back burner, but I was still feeling the longing to create. She told me to make a little travel kit that I could bring with me to paint. And then she said the dreaded word…watercolours. I knew it was coming. That's easily the most logical paint to use quickly on the road. I didn't share that I had intentionally put it away for a good while. Instead, I took on the challenge. I grabbed my hand.book watercolour journal, my #8 escoda brush, a set of finetec gold paints, and a palette filled with winsor newton professional watercolours, because they have great pigmentation. (note: these are affiliate links. They don't cost you extra if you buy from them, but I make a small commission if you do!).


And I painted. I painted the beautiful lake where we live. I painted the clouds from storms I have locked in my memory. I painted the sun shining off the water. The daylight bursting through the clouds. The golden sparkle of the sun getting ready to set. I painted all the sketches for my new collection. I painted happily in watercolour. So, thank you Joy for that little push. It seemed perfectly what was needed. 


And now I have started a new body of work. It is called The Home Collection.


I can't wait to finish up these pieces, which will be done on watercolour paper but mounted on cradled birch boards. They will have a matte wax finish, and I am hoping to have them framed, as long as time and tools cooperate. I would love to see these pieces travel to your homes, ready to add a little sparkle to your day.

Here’s a little sneak peek at the start of one of the paintings. Swooning over that gold…are you??

While you wait for these paintings to be complete, check out the other collections, which still have some canvas and paper acrylic pieces for sale, or if you want something in a different size, the print shop might be a good option for you too!

Make sure you’re signed up on my email list to get early access to the new collection. I always give my email subscribers first dibs to all my original art releases, because I love my subscribers. Bonus, you ALSO get fun freebies when you sign up! Sign up below!