Birthday Blessings

Last weekend, the winds were in full force on the lake.  It was bittersweet in our house, as when the winds pick up, Josh gets major surf stoke, but he was full on covered in poison ivy (more on that later), and we had some lovely friends over for the weekend.  This also meant that he had to miss out on the Gales of November surf contest happening down on Lake Erie.  Since he had so much fun at the last contest, he was pretty bummed.  Thankfully for him, there's going to be another contest happening soon, the Battle of the Great Lakes.

After listening to the wind howling outside all morning, Steph and I couldn't resist running down to the lake Sunday afternoon to snap some pictures and experience the wind for ourselves.  We literally almost got blown away!  The gusts were so strong, that as we stood there we were being pushed back from the lake.  Walking to the beach from the car, sand and leaves whipped at our faces, and we thought momentarily about turning around and booking it back to the car.  We decided against it, cause we really wanted to see what the water was doing!  

The waves were killing it!  I knew that Josh would have been a little sad to see what he was missing, so I was glad that he was too doped up on Benadryl to want to come out to see the waves.  Steph and I thought for a second about grabbing wetsuits and going to play, but then of course we came to our senses, snapped a couple pictures, and ran back to the car.  No matter how bundled up we were, that wind was still cutting through our layers, and cutting deep.  All we could think about were the hot cups of tea waiting for us when we got home.

I know these pictures don't really do the waves justice, but I promise, these are big!  The buoy out on the lake was reading 11 feet, and that's pretty massive for our little bay.
 Tuesday was Josh's birthday!  This is what we woke up to:
A couple weeks earlier we had our first snow of the season, but it didn't last too long.  This snow earlier this week actually has stayed until the end of the week!  It's going to warm up this weekend, so I'm sure it will all be gone soon enough, but it was very pretty while it was here!  The trees all glistened, and at night when it was snowing, it looked so beautiful in the streetlamp light.  

Of course, what brought all this beautiful snow, was cold air blowing in.  And of course that only meant one thing, big winds, and big waves!  Josh couldn't ask for a better birthday present!  He was totally pumped to be able to go surfing on his birthday.  This kid lives to surf.  He eat, sleeps and breathes surf.  You'd think that living on a little lake in Canada wouldn't be totally ideal for a surfer.  But that's why we moved up to the lake when we got married.  We didn't see it feasible to leave the country, since we are Canadian through and through, and we didn't want to move to either coast, cause we love our friends and family too much to move far away.  So next best option, plant ourselves next to a giant lake.  Now, we live within 2 hours of great surf spots, most within 45 minutes.  That makes for a seriously happy boy.

Many people think he's a little crazy, especially since surf is best in the fall and winter around here, and he spends hours in the water looking like this, but he loves every second of it.

Happy Birthday babe, hope you enjoyed your special day.  It ended with chicken wings, so I'm sure that you did.