Playing with dad
Dad is just smitten
Patiently waiting for mom to set up his play area
I set Enoch down on his back and looked away for a moment. When I looked back, he was like this! First roll over!
Teething has this little guy upset today. Only nap success was on mom.
Tummy time is getting a bit better, thanks to a little boost!
The rain stopped long enough for us all to go on a walk. Enoch loves looking at all the trees…just like his dad.
big laughs and raspberries
all the wiggles on the change pad
four months old today! first time in the jolly jumper too
finally a sunny day, perfect for tummy time
four month old photo! shark party!
three months compared to four
dad is determined to get potty training done early…this is also helping him with sore muscles from learning how to poop out more solids
nighty night
one little guy has popped through, with a second not too far behind
all excited to get off to grandee’s
hanging out with Wendy!
rough day with all those visitors
hanging out with Emily!
sharing Grandee’s smoothie…and loving it
partying at Mandy’s bridal shower
making a new friend at Mandy’s bridal shower
passed out cold
on the way to Great Grandmas…only settling when holding hands
meeting great great aunt Lillian
meeting great great uncle Sid
all the laughs with Grandpa
mommy forgot my suitcase…thankfully Grandee had pjs from great aunt Beth!
having a jolly good time at great grandmas
visits with David